+7 (495) 545-60-96, +7 (495) 545-64-96, +7 (499) 240-69-46
Sauna jadeite
Stone for bath-houses
and saunas
Tile, oven facing,
jadeite mosaic
Jadeite sets for
stone therapy
Raw Jadeite
Raw jadeite for
making souvenirs
and jewelry
Catalogue of products

About Jadeite

Jadeite is a traditional and highly esteemed stone of Southeast Asia, Central and South America, many countries and peoples. It was, is and will remain prestigious to have jadeite in the collections in the form of jewelry, objects of artistic and decorative purposes, and even in the form of rough stone. Different people believed in the healing properties of jadeite for centuries and used it for spiritual purposes and curing. This magic stone will never loose its value.
Jadeite is extremely rare and highly-estimated due to its beauty and extraordinary strength.
Jadeite is often confused with nephrite. But jadeite is much more rare and valuable stone, which, unlike nephrite can be jewelry. Numerous nephrite deposits are found on almost every continent, while jadeite is mined in only 3 countries in the world. Overall, there are only 8 known sources of jadeite in our planet. The world market of jewelry and souvenir (carving) jadeite is almost monopoly of Burma (Myanmar), where for centuries jadeite of the highest quality has been mined.  Then follow  the deposits of Guatemala and Russia.
The best Russian jadeite is mined in “Sokhatiniy” site of the Boruss deposit in the Western Sayan Mountains, Khakasia, Siberia. This jadeite is very firm  and is found in big boulders, which is of great importance for its application. In contrast with other Russian jadeite deposits, blasting was never used at  “Sokhatiniy” site, the stone is mined manually, thus jadeite from this site differs by  minimal cracks.
Jadeite conditionally is divided into three sorts – jewelry, souvenir and utility. But all these varieties are - the same stone “jadeite”. Like carbon, which under pressure turns into a diamond, jadeite in nature experiences various  transformations. The highest sort of jadeite is jewelry jadeite. Its cost can be compared with the cost of the best diamonds and emeralds. Jadeite of souvenir (carving) quality is used for carving precious beautiful figurines, dishes, decorations etc. 
Having carefully studied the physical properties and chemical composition of jadeite, the founder of “Khakasinterservice” Mikhail Khrolenko came to the conclusion that the curative possibilities of jadeite well manifest themselves precisely in baths and saunas. Subsequent laboratory tests confirmed that he was right. Therefore, “Khakasinterservice” became the first company, which started using jadeite in sauna business. And now grateful bathers are very pleased that the exclusive jadeite stone not only decorates their saunas and bath-houses, but also brings them health with each sauna procedure.
Jadeite is very valuable stone. According to the trading house Christie's, in the top ten most expensive jewels sold during 2008 at various auctions around the world, two jewels were of jadeite.
Record amount - 9.8 million USD - was paid at Christie's auction in Hong Kong in November 1997 for a marvelous jadeite necklace called "Doubly fortunate." It consists of 27 round beads (15 mm) and a clasp, decorated with diamonds. Its high price will seem quite phenomenal when you consider that this product has no history (romantic, chilling or just old), that it was made nowadays by unknown masters, the technique of its execution is extremely simple, and the design is not burdened by any jewelry delights. Thus, it can be confirmed that 99 % of its value is the value of the unique stone - jadeite, from which it is carved.
In 2003, actress Penelope Cruz  appeared at the Cannes red carpet, adorning her swan neck with an extraordinary jadeite necklace. The creator of this jewelry masterpiece John Galliano skillfully used the beauty of stone.

The fullest information about jadeite is available in the book of M.Y.Khrolenko “The world of jadeite” (in the Russian language). 

We also recommend to read the following books:

  1. C.M. Ou Yang “Jadeite Jade”, 2 volumes. Hong Kong, 2006 (in Chinese)
  2. C.M. Ou Yang “How to buy qualitative jadeite”. Hong Kong, 1998 (in Chinese)
  3. C.M. Ou Yang “Evaluating jadeite”, 2001 (in Chinese)
  4. C.M. Ou Yang “ABC of Jadeite”, Hong Kong,1996 (in Chinese)
  5. Ou Yang Ch.M. “Jadeite Jade, a Stone and a Culture”, Hong Kong, 1999 (in English)
  6. Veleanu M. “Jade 5000 B.C. to 1912 A.D. A Guide for Collectors.” 2004 (in English)
  7. Precolumbian Jade: New Geological and Cultural Interpretations. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1993 (in English)
  8. Ward F. “Jade”, 2001 (in English)
  9. Stanley Charles Nott. “Chinese Jade Throughout the Ages.”, Tokyo, 1962 (in English)
  10. Roger Keverne “Jade”, New York, 1991 (in English)
  11. Kim Be Howard, A.G. (C.I.G.), Surrey, B.C. Jadeite. Canadian Institute of Gemology, 2003 (in English)
  12. Lee Ying Ho “Jadeite”. Singapore, 1996 (in English)
  13. Cecilia Lam “Jade”. Hong Kong, 2005 (in English)
  14. Jadeite. Treasure of Orient National Science Museum. Tokyo, 2005 (in Chinese)
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